We use Jumio to verify accounts
Before you can start trading HNS, you must first verify your profile. This is because Namebase is an incorporated company that has to follow normal AML/KYC laws like other onramps such as Coinbase.
The verification process can vary depending on your location. Some users may only need to verify with their first name, last name, and phone number. For others it may require more information such as your ID (drivers license, local ID or passport). We partner with Jumio to verify accounts and store verification data — Jumio is also the same verification partner that Coinbase, Airbnb, United Airlines, and many other well-known companies use, which is to ensure your data is always safe and secure.
While you can't sell or transfer HNS without verifying, you can buy HNS with BTC without verifying on Namebase, which you can then use to get and transfer names to other wallets.
Trading HNS is not available to NY residents due to regulatory restrictions.
Permission Levels
Due to regulatory reasons (we're not happy about it either), Namebase accounts are restricted in functionality based on verification status and location. See the full list of services based on verification status and location below:
Last updated